Luck is an unpredictable thing. Someone who has surrendered everything in my life, and for someone to not turn on ever. Is there a way to get her on their side? This question has troubled people for thousands of years. Different cultures have their own ways of how to become a success, and to catch the tail of luck.

The popular amulets to attract good luck.
The magic of the wax.
This method is very simple. The burning of the candle needs to be placed in a glass of water (the colour and the size of the candle doesn't really matter). While the fire is burning, to keep an eye on the fire, and think about your goals, dreams and desires. The wax will be absorbed by your mind. After the candle burn and the wax hardens, it is necessary to collect it, put it in a bag or in sewn inside a stuffed toy. The amulet, you'll need to keep it to yourself, don't give in to the wrong hands.
The hand of good luck.
The amulet came to us from the East. It looks like there is an open palm, is decorated in the center of the eye. The hand of good luck and protects its owner from negative influences from the outside, the damage, the evil eye, bring good luck, prosperity, financial independence.
Slavic culture.
The Seal Of The Veles. Is made in the form of a bear's claws. He was wearing mostly men's. In our time, you are able to contribute to the professional growth, professional success, and people are attracted by the money.
Raciborz. It gives its owner the wisdom and good fortune. It is believed that wearing the amulet has received the patronage of their elders, who will help you out in any endeavor.
Yarylo-sun. This is the charm of it will be fit for the ladies. He will protect you from harm, not only to her but to the future of the children. The amulet will bring about the success of the business and the financial well-being.
First of all, you will need to learn the meaning of each rune. One of the check may have some value, but when combined with other things – it can be very different.Most often in amulets for good luck use the rune of Wunjo.
Tibetan amulet lot of luck.
The person who wears this over the talisman in his will to attract the best of luck where ever he touched her. It seems more and more likely to win the lottery or at the casino. The favourable circumstances in which it will occur everywhere – you just have to not miss out on the opportunity to use them.
The rabbit's foot from the Indians.
Now, this method can be used anywhere – in the West and in the East. Even though it is the original rabbit's foot worn around the neck of The. This amulet is considered a symbol of good fortune and well-being. It will only fit to the left rear wheel of the foot. There is no need to wear a foot on your neck – you can just keep it in the house. The businessmen can carry it in my jacket pocket.
The elephant steady world.
A statue of an elephant, and in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, it can change the life of its owner in the best possible way. Thus, as the animal is pulled via the water and the happiness will be attracted to the house, in which there is a picture of an elephant.
The elephant – an animal which is standing strong on its feet. The life of the owner of a language in the same way, he will have a solid Foundation and continuous success.
The japanese.
The most popular amulet of the Japanese, it's called an omamori. This is a bag that contains the messages of the gods. These amulets can be seen everywhere – put them in the pocket, hanging in your car, in your office, in your home. It brings good luck, happiness, wealth.
The chinese view.
The coins are tied with red thread. Perhaps the most common way for you to attract wealth and success. It helps not only to raise money but also to preserve and increase them.
The God Hotei. The statue of this God will fulfill the cherished desire, to attract good fortune.
Ducks-Mandarin. The symbol of the happiness of private life, and luckily, there are plenty of opportunities.
The fish-arawana. This symbol can attract good fortune, wealth, well-being.
The virtuous circle.
The cable is usually presented in a gold item. It symbolizes the continuity of movement, which is based on the life of the owner of the happy and endless cash flow. It helps people to develop leadership skills, to be more attractive to the opposite gender, rapid career growth, and independence.
Amulet for good luck and happiness for the sign of the zodiac.
The choice of a good luck charm, you need to focus on for your sign of the zodiac. The correct color and material from which the amulet is created, it can improve your magic performance.
The signs of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Charms, which belong to them, it is necessary to light – suitable for red, yellow, orange. Fill out the form, it is better to choose a square or round charms.
The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). The earth signs are very practical. As a Material for their amulets, it must be that appropriate to – clay, wood, copper. The color is better, it will take all of the different shades of brown and green.
The water signs (cancer, fish, Scorpio). The colour of the representatives of the element of water, it will be a fit, green, blue, silver charms, which are made of thin, fragile materials.
The signs of air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Their own mascots that are supposed to look simple and elegant. The color is the best to use shades of blue, blue, purple, beige.
Talismans of luck in their studies.
In order to attract the success of the school mascots are used, with the use of a variety of herbs.
The bag of Valerian. It helps to be more careful, to pay attention, adapt to the school, and will quickly restore your strength.
The roots of the marigold. Help you overcome the difficult times which arise in the teaching-learning process, easing the anxiety prior to speaking in public.
A bag of nettles and grass, a crybaby. It helps with the exams. Removes fear, negative thoughts, and mood.
Bag of dried st. john's wort. Energizes, makes the development of a new material.
When is the best time to get involved in the creation of the amulet.
For the greatest effect, you'll need to create an amulet for good luck on a certain day and even time
- it would have to be made during the waxing moon,
- the process needs to be carried out in complete silence
- the time of the day it doesn't matter
- need to get my thoughts in order, banish from me all negativity, to create the amulet, he believes in luck
- do you know the other person, of your character, to show that they are in contact,
- can always try to wear the amulet to yourself
- charms designed to bring good luck, it is better to create a on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Talismans, you can make your own.
Carrying case for good luck.
For the bag, you will need: a red fabric – is regarded as a symbol of well-being, and tension. And, the cloth and the thread, which needs to be adjusted.
In the end of the bag to put the items that represent success and wealth: a coin, rabbit's foot, a goldfish, a ladybug, a horseshoe. You can put yourself in the turquoise – this is also often used to attract good luck.
You can fill the bag with the herbs, which also can help you to achieve success as: orange peel, pomegranate peel, hazelnuts, acorns, four-leaf clover, cinnamon sticks, flowers, violets or Apple trees.
The bag you need to carry in a bag or purse.
Pendant for the money.
To turn the coin in a over the talisman in his, you need to have a night of the growing moon put it in a bowl of water, so that the moonlight illuminated it. A coin to cast a spell: "Like water in the moonlight filled my life with a little bit of luck and wealth, which has to be filled".
This over-night in water, and in the morning can turn into a pendant and worn around the neck.
Nodules of luck.
A period of five white threads and one red (all of the topics, which should be natural). A red thread to tie to the five times to tie the knots, which is as follows: "in the First to knot the knit – a problem when you are travelling, and the other is the protection of the mountain, and the third tie – the richness of the prize, and the fourth for luck, and the fifth seal".
Try to keep the amulet you need in a safe place, away from the curious.
This soft tissue can be anything – it's a matter of the imagination of the owners. That is, the stability of the base and place it. The main point is not to draw a person from warding it shouldn't be.
The doll-amulet made with your own hands, it will bring a lot of happiness – you just have to often carry it with me.
The Lucky dollar.

Banknote of 1 dollar should collapse into a triangle, and in this form is, to carry it in my purse. This will help attract money and success.
Over the talisman in his silver stuff.
This is a metal such as silver, it has the ability to attract good luck and money. Each and every silver thing in which you can change to the over the talisman in his, which brings about the success, you just have to talk to him.
The ceremony to select the night from Wednesday to Thursday, to put the selected object into the water, and I ask that from now on, he was drawn into the life of the world.
Embroidery and knitting.
If the owner has skills in sewing and knitting, to make the amulet, it is not that difficult. Need to pick up a Slavic culture and the image of a fortune or a check, and to embroider, or knit it into the fabric. It is essential that you make use of only natural materials. The filaments it is desirable to take the red one.
The Lucky mascot of your favorite things to do.
The thing that is associated with the happy events of life, it can be a powerful amulet, to engage in the life and well-being. It would only be responsible for your happiness. If you want to do this, keeping the future of the over the talisman in his in his hand, said of conspiracy: "it looks to Me, to the happiness of the draw, she helped me through".
Then zagovornye thing is that you can take it with you for those times when you need help.
Jasper. This stone has a powerful energy. He brings success in the life of the owner, to help you to find common ground with others gives courage, helps you to avoid any unpleasant situations.
Sapphire. Attract money and good fortune. To enhance the effect of the need to wear a stone is framed by a white gold or silver.
Cat's-eye. In addition, in order to attract prosperity, protect from the evil eye. The stone is suitable for wealthy people who are often jealous.
The Ruby language. It helps to achieve success in the most problematic cases. Especially suitable for a fire element signs: Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.
The grass.
The herbs of good fortune, and could protect against the problem in a specially sewn pouch in a dry form. The bag should be made from natural materials. Fill it with chamomile, aloe, Bay leaf, jade.
The Acorn, or a nut.
And the acorns and nuts in many of the countries, to serve as symbols of well-being. I usually have them in a variety of business meetings and negotiations, – make your own native gift, and the gift of persuasion, and the ability to successfully conduct business. Students may take a while for the exam.
The teeth of the crocodile.
The one who carries the tooth of a crocodile, the happiness will make you smile throughout. There will also be a meet the politicians.
The art of Feng Shui bamboo is a symbol of good fortune. It is growing very fast, and the one who will come with you as a mascot, you could make a career and succeed in life.
The scarab beetle.
The image of a beetle scarab was worn in ancient Egypt. He was considered a symbol of wealth. Now, this amulet brings good luck, helps to maintain the asset.
The golden garlic.
It's a Chinese symbol. He fulfills the desires and the promises of its own, on a regular basis, a constant cash-flow.
The sunflower will be helpful for those wishing to build a career. He will give you the energy, and the development of the creative potential, will be a help to those who wants to gain popularity and recognition.
The charms, the amulets, talismans.
They speak amulet you can for yourself with the video instructions on the Internet. And it can be attributed to the specialist in the magical community." And not a very simple option: ask for a over the talisman in his fortune by his own words.
To charge and turn on.
If you want to activate the amulet you are at home. This will require the help of the four elements – that you need to take some of the soil, pour into the bowl with water, open the window to let air in and light a candle. In each and every element of the amulet, on the brief placed a request for help. Over the flame of a candle, is it enough to just hold it.
After this manipulation, the amulet is ready to use at full strength.